Sunday, February 27, 2011

Q&A: Can a minister from the Universal Life Church perform legal weddings in New Mexico?

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Question by Katie: Can a minister from the Universal Life Church perform legal weddings in New Mexico?

I recently became an ordained minister through the Universal Life Church so I can perform legal weddings. Am I able to do this legally in new mexico? Does anyone know the laws for this in New Mexico or anything about the Universal Life Church?

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Answer by jondalar469
I don't think that any state can prescribe or prohibit particular sects from officiating wedding ceremonies. The US constitution (First Amendment) won't let states pick and choose which religious sects are "wise enough" or "good enough" to do the job, and which ones are not.

In West Virginia, where I live, anybody can do it. Dr. William Pierce (late former founder of the National Alliance) officiated a few marriages between some of his employees. I could probably officiate at a wedding, too, scoundrel & atheist though I am, if a couple wanted me to do it.

So, my opinion is this: If any state government tries to stop a clergyman of ANY RELIGIOUS SECT from officiating a wedding, then the "priest" can file a civil rights lawsuit based on the First Amendment's "separation of church and state" clause in a federal court and sue the state's pants off.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

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